Location of serial number

Serial number is of the format “A1234567890”

Serial Number can also be found under the electronics panel cover
Techmaflex is a globally renowned company with a proud history. Our strong market presence, innovative, high-quality product range and technological know-how are the product of over 30 years of innovation and customer care.
Introduction of the Red Factory concept: the ultimate suite of OEM assembly machines for integrated hydraulics, designed to satisfy the requirements of the world’s most demanding manufacturers
Expanded manufacturing capabilities with the start of production in Myslowice, Poland
Launch of the computer and pressure control on stand-type machines
Creation of the most powerful crimper on the market – the 1830T
Launch of the side opening head machine for very large bore hoses
Integration of Techmaflex into the Manuli Hydraulics Group, and design of a dedicated line of assembly machines
Start of co-operative product development with hydraulic hose and fittings manufacturers
Launch of the first stand-type assembly machine, the PE 6.50
Beginning of export sales outside of the Sonatra distribution network
S.E.R.A is created as a spin-off company of Techmaflex for the manufacture of special machines
Techmaflex is created as a spin-off company of Sonatra (Fluiconnecto France)